
God has a dream for your life. Reach your potential. 

KCC Equip is a midweek gathering to equip the saints for Christ-likeness and fulfilling your God-given purpose.
 Different Equip classes and workshops will be offered each quarter. They will run 1-10 weeks depending on the topic. These classes are meant to complement, and not replace, involvement in life groups.

Sign ups are required and Children’s ministry will be provided.

Pillars of Equip:
Relational Learning
Personal Mentoring
Practical Application

Foundations Discipleship Experience

Join us for the first Equip Workshop, the Foundations Discipleship Experience.
This is for anyone desiring spiritual renewal, community, or a solid foundation for your life with God.

Share a Comment with Us

We would be glad to know what area of equipping you see a need for, or if you would like to serve with Equip through teaching, table facilitating, mentoring, or hospitality