God has a dream for your life. Reach your potential.
KCC Equip is a midweek gathering to equip the saints for Christ-likeness and fulfilling your God-given purpose.
Different Equip classes and workshops will be offered each quarter. They will run 1-10 weeks depending on the topic. These classes are meant to complement, and not replace, involvement in life groups.
Sign ups are required and Children’s ministry will be provided.
Pillars of Equip: Teaching, Relational Learning, Personal Mentoring , and Practical Application
Different Equip classes and workshops will be offered each quarter. They will run 1-10 weeks depending on the topic. These classes are meant to complement, and not replace, involvement in life groups.
Sign ups are required and Children’s ministry will be provided.
Pillars of Equip: Teaching, Relational Learning, Personal Mentoring , and Practical Application
<<< Equip Winter 2025 >>>
Worship Ministry Workshop
This is a 7 week workshop for those involved or interested in worship ministry. Topics and activities may include worship theology, music theory, songwriting, and developing skill with your voice/instrument. Come join us!
Money Matters Class
This is a 7 week workshop about everything and only what the Bible says about money. Discussion will include what money is, our role as stewards of money, and how to manage it. Taught by Ned Kingman, based on his great podcast series, "Money Matters."
Parenting Class
This is a 7 week workshop for parents with kids at home, exploring and discussing parenting God's way. Led by Jake and Rachel Poetzl, who have lots of parenting experience with their four wonderful children.