
God has a dream for your life. Reach your potential. 

KCC Equip is a midweek gathering to equip the saints for Christ-likeness and fulfilling your God-given purpose.
 – classes and workshops - a Wednesday night gathering for equipping the saints for Christ-likeness and . Different Equip classes and workshops will be offered each quarter. They will run 1-10 weeks depending on the topic. These classes are meant to complement, and not replace, involvement in life groups.

Signups are required and Children’s ministry will be provided.

Pillars of Equip:
Relational Learning
Personal Mentoring
Practical Application

Foundations Discipleship Experience

Join us for the first Equip Workshop, the Foundations Discipleship Experience.
This is for anyone desiring spiritual renewal, community, or a solid foundation for your life with God.

Share a Comment with Us

We would be glad to know what area of equipping you see a need for, or if you would like to serve with Equip through teaching, table facilitating, mentoring, or hospitality